
经典在CC, 1876年-今天

总统 E. P. Tenney took over the inchoate 科罗拉多大学 in 1876 (the summer of 卡斯特的最后一战, 国家的 百周年 and of Colorado's statehood), his first educational move was to hire W. D. Sheldon and send him to Colorado Springs to begin instruction in classics. Sheldon taught mostly preparatory students (it was six years before anyone graduated with a bachelor's degree) and he gave himself to the general educational development of the new state with op/ed pieces on compulsory education and a leadership role in the state education association. 坦尼建造了卡特勒庄园并推行了一项雄心勃勃的, evangelical program for the College that came to grief over his land speculations in 1884. Sheldon stayed through the subsequent interregnum and the start of W.F.Slocum's long administration, departing for the East in 1890. 他后来出版了一本很好的卢西恩作品译本: 二世纪的讽刺作家或者,萨莫萨塔的卢西安的对话和故事 (Philadelphia and San Francisco, 1901, copy in the Special Collections, 图书馆的资料).

Slocum, in turn, led the College into its first golden age (1888-1917). 在他的时代,古典文学是由教授领导的. M. C. 他从1892年开始教书,直到1916年去世. Gile was a classic classics teacher: grammatically precise and demanding, gentle and understanding. 他也是一位社区领袖, a pillar of the First Baptist Church (his background was Andover and Brown) and a founder of the Colorado Springs National Bank with Willis Armstrong '99 as head teller (subsequently CEO and a long-time CC trustee): after several buy-outs the bank has joined Wells Fargo, 但是吉尔和 阿姆斯特朗的后代 在科罗拉多斯普林斯继续保持强势,支持CC.

另一位斯隆时代的教授是欧内斯特·布雷姆斯豪特, 谁教拉丁语和历史, 1911年离开CC后, 出版了长期以来的标准译文 《农业审查员加图 (1933年,纽约). 他后面跟着CC的f第一女博士.D. 教授, Leila Clement Spaulding, whose 1911 Columbia dissertation was on 雕塑中的“卡米拉斯”型. Spaulding taught only until her 1914 marriage to local real estate man Edward Kent.

当斯洛克姆担任总统时 崩溃和烧毁 in 1917, 随着许多黄金时代的教师的流失, 吉尔的继任者, Princetonian Charles Christopher Mierow became a faculty leader, 代理总统(1923-25)和总统(1925-33). Mierow, a disciple of Andrew Fleming West of the Princeton Graduate College, studied classics as part of a tradition of Christian humanism. 他在乔丹的 哥特历史,他出版了 标准英文翻译 (Princeton, 1908), Isidore of Seville and Otto of Freising (The two cities; a chronicle of universal history to the year 1146 A.D., 附注释,纽约,1928年). 他庆祝了12年th century Renaissance in the construction of Shove Chapel (1931), 他也, 顺便说一下, presided over the end of the College's Latin requirement (also 1931).

Mierow's other duties meant that classics was taught in his time largely by others: his younger brother Herbert from 1918-43, Dorothy Printup from 1921 (when she left her University of Chicago Ph.D. dissertation project on Plautine comedy to replace Herbert Mierow as he worked on his M.A. 直到1925年,她嫁给了一位历史学家 阿切尔赫伯特, she relinquished the duties to Marjorie Davis '19 (who taught from 1925-28 and whose M. A. 关于罗马采矿的论文在特辑中。. 多萝西·普林斯普·赫尔伯特, 在她的第一任丈夫于1933年去世后, gave her scholarly attention to his unpublished work on western history, 在这个领域持续了很多年, 多萝西·布莱森, 1989年获荣誉法学博士学位. 与此同时 the Gile descendants began the endowment of a professorship in his honor, 首先由赫伯特·米洛在1925年至1943年间举办.

The second golden age of 科罗拉多大学 did not begin until the1950s. 与此同时, 减去拉丁文要求, classics teaching was suspended from Herbert Mierow's retirement in 1943 until Stephanie Jakimowitz came in 1946. She represented a new generation of scholarship, with a Cornell dissertation on andreia (courage: that series of dissertations included also Helen North's well-k现在n treatment of sophrosyne适量). 然而,她和丈夫一起离开了学院, 艾德·本顿,50岁, in 1951, leading to an era of intermittent classics at CC. In 1955, 伟大的路易斯·贝内泽就任总统, 带着大学项目的目的, 教师和校园再上新台阶. 他是, 然而, convinced that "the world's classic treasures" had been sufficiently translated into English, 他对总统很满意. Mierow, 在卡尔顿学院工作了二十年后退休, 教一些希腊语和历史的课程, 还有鲍勃·奥姆斯, 户外运动爱好者和英语教授.有时去美国教拉丁语. 直到1965年,CC还没有全职的古典学系.

CC's longest-running classics faculty is the current department: Owen Cramer 1965- and Marcia Dobson 1976- , both of whom have served longer than any other classics faculty person. (查尔斯·Mierow的 45 years of association with the College were interrupted by decades of 在卡尔顿服役). Owen was hired after several years of discussion among faculty including philosopher J. 格伦•格雷. A Homerist with training in the literary/Poundian graduate program at the University of Texas (阿罗史密斯, 沙利文——向下滚动到p. 188-- 《人文与经典》杂志), Owen has produced CC curriculum rather than classical scholarship. 在一个没有专业的单人部门工作了十年之后, 1976年,玛西娅加入了他的行列, 哈佛大学博士.D. specializing in oracular language in Aeschylus, on a base of Renaissance studies (M.A. Tufts), who has gone on to deepen her interest and training in psychoanalysis with a second Ph.D. 来自太平洋研究所.

他们在1980年重新引入了系里的专业, joined in the formation of the 经典-History-Politics major in 1983 and the Comparative Literature major in 1986, 并与大约100名古典文学专业的学生合作过, 其中一些人现在已经是教职员工了. On sabbaticals they have been replaced by Paul Roth (1980-81), 吉姆·塔克(1987-90), Lisa Hughes (1995-97 and again 2002- in a visiting and then adjunct role) and Craig Dethloff (2003). Trish FitzGibbon joined the department in 1999 as a part-time instructor in Latin and went on to teach nearly full time as a "visiting" professor and to direct the Summer Latin Institute through 2007-08.

With the coming of Sanjaya Thakur, a University of Michigan Ph.D. 解析:选d.A., as Assistant Professor on the tenure track in the fall of 2009--after a year as Riley Scholar in 2008-09--the department enters into a shift of generations and a new time of transformation. 莱利家族的其他成员包括丹·莱昂(Dan Leon).D. 维吉尼亚州, at CC 2012-14 and then Assistant Professor at Illinois/Urbana-Chapaign) and Richard Fernando Buxton (Ph.D. 华盛顿大学, at CC 2014-15 as Riley Scholar and then 2015- as 访问ing Assistant Professor, 现在, 副教授兼主席).

In 2006, 古典文学教师结束了在阿姆斯特朗大厅40年的工作, 搬到西雅图的办公室和教室.

报告问题 - 最后更新: 09/15/2022